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Тема работы:

Semantic roles and its configuration in the structure of the English sentence   (ID работы: 2898)

Направление: Гуманитарные предметы
Предмет: Теория грамматики
Тип работы: Дипломная работа
Число страниц: 69
Год защиты: 2011
ВУЗ: Львовский национальный университет имени Ивана Франко
Курс: 6
Язык: Украинский
CHAPTER I The Sentence. Properties and Types
1.1 Syntactic Properties
1.2 Logico-semantic Properties
1.3 Sentence Types according to the Criterion of Structural Complexity
CHAPTER II. Semantic roles and its configuration in the structure of the English sentence
2.1 Structural and semantic peculiarities of a compound sentence in Modern Spoken English
2.2 Complex Intransitives in the semantical structure of the Sentence
Language is a multifaceted, complex phenomenon which can be studied and described from various points of view: as a psychological or cognitive phenomenon, as a social phenomenon, from the point of view of its historic changes, etc. But first and foremost language is treated as a semiotic system (system of signs). A system is a structured set of elements united by a common function. Language is a system of specific interconnected and interdependent lingual signs united by their common function of forming, storing and exchanging ideas in the process of human intercourse.
A systemic approach prevails in many spheres of linguistics, and it is particularly relevant and important in the sphere of grammar.
The sentence as the main unit of syntax. The sentence as a communicative unit. Predication as a fundamental distinguishing feature of the sentence. Nominative aspect of the sentence in correlation with its predicative aspect. Predication as syntactic modality. The means of expressing predication. Intonational arrangement of the sentence. The sentence in the system of language: the notion of sentence pattern (its generalized syntactic model). Nominative aspect in the correlation of the sentence and the word, of the sentence and the phrase; nominalization of the sentence.
The sentence, as has been mentioned, is the central object of study in syntax. It can be defined as the immediate integral unit of speech built up by words according to a definite syntactic pattern and distinguished by a contextually relevant communicative purpose.
Foreign and local scientists researched the semantic structure of the sentence . Among them there are G. Palmer, M. West, M. Bloomfield, Ch. Fries, R. Lado, A. Mirolubov, I. Elukhina, Z. Tsvetkova and others. Thus N. Zhinkhin, N. Bunakov, T. Egorov worked on the understanding of the modern english sentence-formation
The tasks of research includes:
• to study methodical literature on this question;
• to define the properties and types of the Sentence
• to analyze Structural and semantic peculiarities of a compound sentence in Modern Spoken English;
• to describe the complex Intransitives in the semantical structure of the Sentence.
Article of research is the Semantic roles and its configuration in the structure of the English sentence.
Methods of research: study of the scientific literature, descriptive and analytical methods.
The structure of the paper. The research consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusions and the list of references.